This business in Waterloo, IL has offered valuable services to our community for almost as long as HTC! We take care of their phone and Internet services so they can take care of you!
Roy J. May State Farm Insurance
At only 20 years old, when he started at State Farm, Roy J. May didn’t know a lot about the insurance business. He had just come home from the war after being drafted as a Waterloo High School senior, and prior to that he had worked on his family’s horse farm. But one thing he did know at such a young age was that life can throw you curveballs, so perhaps he’d be good at helping friends and neighbors deal with unexpected losses and damages to their homes, farms, and cars.
Over 70 years later, his insurance business is still thriving. Countless clients have put their trust in him and he continues to help Monroe County families recover from tragedies, build businesses, and ensure their teens are safe as they drive away for the first time. Roy is committed to providing the same honest service he provided when he first started his business.
“Our mission is to help people manage the risks of everyday life, recover from the unexpected and realize their dreams,” said Roy. “HTC business services have been with me since the beginning so I could focus on doing all that and more for my customers.”
HTC Would Love to Partner with Your Business
We love our long-time customers, but we also enjoy getting to know new businesses! If you’ve been considering switching your business phone or Internet services, don’t hesitate to give us a call. Our customer service reps are always happy to tell you how we can help!