Wondering how to get the lowest price on our high-speed Internet and crystal-clear phone service? Bundling allows you to get the best possible prices on both! Read on to learn more about HTC’s phone and Internet bundles.
HTC’s Phone and Internet Bundles for Your Home or Business
When you choose an HTC Bundle, you’ll not only enjoy the perks of our dependable Internet service such as speeds fast enough to stream, surf, and game to your heart’s content; you’ll also enjoy local phone service with pinpoint 911 accuracy – all starting at just $67.74 per month.
What do I get with HTC’s Phone and Internet Bundle?
Your bundled phone service won’t require signing any contracts or paying roaming charges. Each month, you will get:
- Free incoming calls
- Unlimited local and domestic long-distance calls
- Caller ID
- Voice Notes
- Pinpoint 911 accuracy
Your HTC Bundle will also include the same dependable Internet service you know and love, including:
- Speeds up to 1GB to accommodate your family’s entertainment needs
- 15 email addresses
- Knowledgeable tech support just around the corner
What about my business?
No problem, HTC has you covered with the lowest priced business bundles. Not only can we provide you with enough phone lines and email addresses, your business will also benefit from our high-speed Internet for your employees and HTC TV streaming services for your customers.
Don’t Keep Paying More Than You Need to for Internet and Phone Service!
To find out how to start saving on your HTC bills, call us at 618-939-6112. We’ll be happy to bundle your plans so you can enjoy one low monthly price.
Harrisonville Telephone Company is a provider of reliable, cost-effective Internet (for streaming, gaming, surfing, viewing, listening, downloading, and more), television (hundreds of channels, free HD, VOD access and more), and phone ( unlimited local and long distance, voicemail, caller ID, etc.). Want to learn more about our great home or business bundles? Visit our website, call us at 618-939-6112, or fill out our Contact Us page. We look forward to hearing from you.