Christmas Tree

Are you giving the gift of technology to your family this Christmas? If so, make sure there’s enough bandwidth to go around. New tablets, laptops, cell phones and PS4’s all require a fast, dependable Internet connection – one that won’t kick them off in the middle of a Fortnite game or fun YouTube videos!

To get the most out of your HTC Internet, you’ll want to consider several things that could possibly slow down speed:

  1. Newer web enabled devices including Smart TVs, tablets, computers, Smart phones, gaming systems are more efficient when accessing the internet via routers. If you have a device that is more than five years old, it may work fine but may require a more “router” airtime. Have a question about your home speed, take the HTC SpeedTest and if you feel you may need increased bandwidth or a home router upgrade, give us a call. We are happy to help make sure you have all the speed you need to keep your new and old devices streaming, posting, downloading and uploading quickly!
  2. Every app that’s open takes up a little bit of your total bandwidth, so always remember to close Facebook, Pandora, and other favorites when you’re not using them. Also remind the kids to turn off devices and consoles when they’re ready to take a break from screen time.
  3. A new router may need to accompany new toys. Gaming and streaming movies requires larger amounts of bandwidth than Googling on your desktop does. Your old router may need to be updated to keep up with higher demands, so ask HTC about upgrading to a new wireless router.

Managed Wi-Fi Router May be What You Need

When you have numerous web-enabled devices in your home, Managed Wi-Fi is the most hassle-free option. Our technicians will come to your home and install and configure your new router and then test your signal strength, interference, and device settings. Then any time your internet lags in the future, we can use cloud-based tools from our offices to examine each device’s connection on your network.

Need Help Making Everyone in Your House Happy for the Holidays? Just Ask HTC!

The more devices you add to your home, the higher your bandwidth needs will be. An HTC Customer Service representative can help you determine which Internet package will keep your Internet as fast as possible, so call us before Santa makes his delivery!