Are your movies streaming slowly? Work files not downloading all the way? Zoom meetings freezing? Your WiFi signal may not be reaching your device, which can affect Internet speed even when you have enough bandwidth. If you’re having trouble getting a strong signal anywhere in your home, follow these tips for a better router signal.
HTC GigaSpire Blast Delivers Strongest Router Performance
Tip #1: Reposition the Antenna
If your antenna got bumped or is pointing at the floor, a signal won’t be able to reach your device. The antenna should point towards your most-used devices, so try making that adjustment first.
Tip #1: Move the Router
For your Internet router to work efficiently in all corners of your home, it needs to be centrally located. Take a look and make sure your router is:
- Nowhere near concrete walls. Since WiFi can’t travel through solid objects, there’s no way a signal will get to where it needs to be.
- Away from windows. You don’t want half of your signal traveling outside. Instead, it should be pointing toward the rooms within your home.
- Far from other electronics. The TV, computer, and even landline phone can affect the strength of your connection, and so can wireless devices like phones and monitors since they interfere with the signal.
- Up on a shelf. Placing routers on the ground make it hard for a signal to reach the floor above, so this is really important if you have upstairs devices.
Tip #3: Ask About Updating Your Router and Adding an Extender
How long has it been since your router was first installed? If you can’t even remember, you should probably call HTC. The addition of new devices in your basement or the far corners of your home may require an updated router, or an extender that can boost your signal. The HTC GigaSpire Blast can deliver a strong WiFi signal throughout your home to prevent slowdowns and disruptions. It also offers enhanced security with automatic software updates, and parental control features via a free HTC advanced WiFi app.
Have a Frustrated Family? Call HTC!
At HTC, we want everyone in your home to be happy. We’d love to tell you how adding an improved router like the GigaSpire Blast can improve your whole family’s streaming, gaming, and working experience. Contact us today and we’ll be happy to help.
Harrisonville Telephone Company is a provider of reliable, cost-effective Internet (for streaming, gaming, surfing, viewing, listening, downloading, and more), television (hundreds of channels, free HD, VOD access and more), and phone (unlimited local and long distance, voicemail, caller ID, etc.). Want to learn more about our great home or business bundles? Visit our website, call us at 939-6112, or fill out our Contact Us page. We look forward to hearing from you.