Harrisonville Telephone Company rural internet provider

There are lots of perks to living in the country, like privacy and peace and quiet. But one thing some rural residents in other communities don’t get to enjoy is dependable Internet. Some can’t watch YouTube or play games online, and some can’t even surf the web. Because their rural internet provider simply can’t supply…

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Download and Upload Speeds Harrisonville Telephone Company HTC Internet

While your device, router location, and type of Internet service can affect the quality of your online experience, your download and upload speeds can dictate how frustrating or enjoyable using the Internet can be. Knowing how fast download and upload speeds should be can help you choose a data plan that accommodates your work and…

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HTC High Speed Internet Harrisonville Telephone Company

If you’ve been experiencing interruptions with your high speed Internet connection, it could be because your home or business needs a stronger router. While standard routers are effective at transmitting Internet signals in smaller structures, they can’t always reach the farthest corners of larger homes – especially those with multiple floors. The HTC GigaSpire BLAST…

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Merry Christmas Happy New Year Harrisonville Telephone Company

We don’t know about you, but we’re feeling very thankful this holiday season that life feels almost back to normal. We’re spending time with family members we haven’t seen in a while; all the local businesses have their doors open so we can shop for loved ones; and we’re just very fortunate to have had…

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HTC Advanced WiFi GigaSpire Blast router Harrisonville Telephone Company

Wondering what to do with your current router that’s been responsible for everyone’s frustration in your home? Get rid of it! If you’ve added HTC Advanced WiFi to your Internet package, you no longer need to worry about weak signals and interrupted connections that traditional routers can cause. Get the powerful GigaSpire Blast router with…

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Data Storage HTC SecureIT Web Security Software

You’ve heard the saying “Don’t know what you got ‘til it’s gone?” Well, that’s especially true when it comes to important work documents and sentimental photos. You may think they’re safe on your laptop, but what happens if there’s a fire in your house, a virus corrupts your files, or your laptop fails? The best…

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Advanced WiFi Benefits Harrisonville Telephone Company

We often tell customers about our HTC Advanced WiFi service when they’re looking for the fastest technology available, but there are many other perks to Advanced WiFi beyond speed. Two key benefits are that installation is always performed by our local, knowledgeable technicians, and that we can manage your connection directly from our office.  …

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Harrisonville Telephone Company HTC Internet packages

Do you have a large household, or are you the only one in the home? Do your kids love to game, or are they more into streaming movies? Do you work out of the home or in the home? Answering all of these questions can help identify which one of HTC Internet packages is right…

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HTC SecureIT Web Security

In many ways, using the Internet is like unlocking your home and inviting strangers to come inside. Any private information you have, whether it be personal or work-related, can easily become available for criminals to steal or wipe away completely. Even more scary is the fact that your children can come in contact with dangerous…

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Harrisonville Telephone Company What is Fiber Internet

If you work remotely and your family members stream movies and play live video games, you may be wondering how to reduce Internet lag times. The answer to pleasing everyone in your home may be as simple as switching to fiber Internet.   Key Advantages to Fiber Internet   We’ve all heard the saying “faster…

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